The Sun and the Rainfall testo – Depeche Mode

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The Sun and the Rainfall è una canzone dei Depeche Mode contenuta nel loro album "A Broken Frame (Remastered)" uscito nel 2013. Leggi qui il testo di The Sun and the Rainfall e scopri il significato del brano!

Depeche Mode – The Sun and the Rainfall Testo

Someone will call,
Something will fall
And smash on the floor.
Without reading the text,
Know what comes next.
See it before
And it's painful.

Things must change.
We must re-arrange them
Or will have to estrange them.
All that I'm saying
A game's not worth playing
Over and over again.

You're the one I like best,
You retain my interest,
You're the only one.
If it wasn't for you,
Don't know what I'd do.
Unpredictable like the sun
And the rainfall.

A Broken Frame (Remastered) Compra la canzone The Sun and the Rainfall Compra su iTunes 0,99 €

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