Lover's Season testo – Franco Battiato

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Scopri il significato di Lover's Season di Franco Battiato! Leggi il testo di questa canzone inclusa negli album "Povera patria (Best & Rarities) [Remastered]" e "Echoes of Sufi Dances", pubblicati rispettivamente nel 2010 e nel 2007 da Franco Battiato

Franco Battiato – Lover's Season Testo

Lover's springtime, lover's season comes and goes,
And our desires never age with time, come what may,
This is so,
For when I think of how I've wasted those moments
Lost forever, they'll never never return.

Lover's springtime, lover's season comes and goes,
And suddenly you realize, there you are,
In surprise.
Ah how many lost occasions we've thrown away,
Never have regrets, never never say die.
Still a new enthusiasm
waits to make your heart beat strong.
Another chance to discover just who you are

Echoes of Sufi Dances Compra la canzone Lover's Season Compra su iTunes 1,29 €

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