On This Night of a Thousand Stars testo – Madonna

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On This Night of a Thousand Stars è una canzone di Madonna contenuta nel suo album "Evita (Music from the Motion Picture)" uscito nel 1996. Leggi qui il testo di On This Night of a Thousand Stars e scopri il significato del brano!

Madonna – On This Night of a Thousand Stars Testo

Now Eva Peron had every disadvantage
You need if you're gonna succeed
No money, no cash
No father, no bright lights
There was nowhere she'd been
At the age of fifteen

As this tango singer found out
Agustin Magaldi
Who has the distinction of being the first
Man to be of use to Eva Duarte

On this night of a thousand stars
Let me take you to heaven's door
Where the music of love's guitars
Plays for evermore

In the glow of those twinkling lights
We shall love through eternity
On this night in a million nights
Fly away with me

I never dreamed that a kiss could be as sweet as this
But now I know that it can
I used to wander alone without a love of my own
I was a desperate man
But all my grief disappeared and all the sorrow I'd feared
Wasn't there anymore
On that magical day when you first came my way
Mi amor

On this night
On this night
On this night of a thousand stars
Let me take you to heaven's door
Where the music of love's guitars
Plays for evermore

Evita (Music from the Motion Picture) Compra la canzone On This Night of a Thousand Stars Compra su iTunes 0,99 €

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