Give Up the Ghost testo – Radiohead

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Scopri il significato di Give Up the Ghost dei Radiohead! Leggi il testo di questa canzone inclusa in 3 album dei Radiohead, "The King of Limbs - Live from the Basement", "The King of Limbs"e "Tkol Rmx 1234567", pubblicati dal 2011 al 2016

Radiohead – Give Up the Ghost Testo

Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me

Gather up the lost and sold (Don't hurt me)

In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)

Gather up the pitiful (Don't hurt me)

In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)

What seems impossible (Don't hurt me)

In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)

I think I have had my fill (Don't hurt me)

In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)

I think I should give up the ghost (Don't hurt me)

In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)
In your arms (Don't hurt me)

The King of Limbs - Live from the Basement Compra la canzone Give Up the Ghost Compra su iTunes 1,29 €

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