Don't Lie to Me testo – The Rolling Stones

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Scopri il significato di Don't Lie to Me dei Rolling Stones! Leggi il testo di questa canzone inclusa negli album "The Rolling Stones 1963-1971" e "Metamorphosis", pubblicati entrambi nel 2013 dai Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones – Don't Lie to Me Testo


Well let's talk it over baby before we start
I heard about the way you do your part
Don't lie to me don't you lie to me
Don't you make me mad I'll get evil as a
man can be

Well all kinds of people that I just can't
That's a lying woman and a cheating man
Don't lie to me don't you lie to me
Don't you make me mad I'll get evil as a
man can be

Well I will love you baby and it ain't no lie
For every winter till the well runs dry
Don't lie to me don't you lie to me
Don't you make me mad I'm as shook up
as a man can be

Well let's talk it over baby before we start
I heard about the way you used to do your
Don't lie to me don't you lie to me
Don't you make me mad I'm as shook up
as a man

Well well
Well let's talk it over babe before we start
I heard about the way you used to do your
Don't lie to me don't you lie to me
Cuz it make me mad I'll get evil as a man
can be

The Rolling Stones 1963-1971 Compra la canzone Don't Lie to Me Compra su iTunes 1,29 €

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