You Used to Hold Me testo – Calvin Harris

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Scopri il significato di You Used to Hold Me di Calvin Harris! Leggi il testo di questa canzone inclusa negli album "You Used to Hold Me - EP" e "Ready for the Weekend", pubblicati rispettivamente nel 2010 e nel 2009 da Calvin Harris

Calvin Harris – You Used to Hold Me Testo

Not done everything I tried to doThat sounds somthing let me holding youI've known that's gonna make you understandtake my spirit from my open hand You used to hold me X 12 You know better than I doNot done everything I tried to doThat sounds somthing let me holding youI've known that's gonna make you understandtake my spirit from my open hand You used to hold me X 12 You know better than I do You used to hold me X 12

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