Plur Genocide (feat. Lockdown) testo – Carnage

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Scopri il significato di Plur Genocide (feat. Lockdown) di Carnage! Leggi il testo di questa canzone inclusa negli album "Battered Bruised & Bloody" e "Plur Genocide (feat. Lockdown) - Single", pubblicati entrambi nel 2018 da Carnage

Carnage – Plur Genocide (feat. Lockdown) Testo

[Verse: Lockdown]
I'll see we on the westside
I'll see we on the eastside
I'll see we on the northside
I'll see we on the southside

I'll see we on the westside
I'll see we on the eastside
I'll see we on the northside
I'll see we on the southside

[Chorus: Lockdown]
I'll see we on the southside
I'll see we on the southside

[Verse: Lockdown]
I'll see we on the westside
I'll see we on the eastside
I'll see we on the northside
I'll see we on the southside

I'll see we on the westside
I'll see we on the eastside
I'll see we on the northside
I'll see we on the southside

I'll see we on the southside
Bet you hold up
I'll see we on the westside
I'll see we on the eastside
I'll see we on the northside
I'll see we on the southside

I'll see we on the southside

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