Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince - Date e biglietti

Evento Località Data Prezzo
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Ferrara Teatro Comunale 42,00 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Parma Auditorium Paganini 46,00 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Trento Teatro Auditorium Santa Chiara 34,50 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Conegliano Teatro Accademia 34,50 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Nichelino Teatro Superga 30,00 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Bologna Teatro Duse Bologna 36,00 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Brescia Gran Teatro Morato 39,10 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Mantova Grana Padano Theatre 39,10 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Trieste Politeama Rossetti - Sala Assicurazioni Generali 39,10 € Compra
Harlem Gospel Choir with a special tribute to Prince Trieste Politeama Rossetti - Sala Assicurazioni Generali 39,10 € Compra