DRKNSS testo – Da Tweekaz

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Scopri il significato di DRKNSS dei Da Tweekaz! Leggi il testo di questa canzone che fa parte del disco "Drknss - Single" pubblicato nel 2017 dai Da Tweekaz

Da Tweekaz – DRKNSS Testo

Every heart is filled with the light
But to find the light you must first venture through darkness
The darkness that is within each of us
Sometimes you have to close your eyes
To see the light within the darkness
Because without light there would be only darkness

The light
The darkness

The light


Light and darkness are eternal

Every heart is filled with the light
But to find the light you must first venture through darkness
The darkness that is within each of us
Sometimes you have to close your eyes
To see the light within the darkness
Because without light there would be only darkness

The darkness

The shadow

The greater the light, the bigger the shadow

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