Metro Music testo – David Guetta

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Leggi il testo di Metro Music di David Guetta e guarda il videoclip ufficiale di Metro Music. Il brano è contenuto in "Nothing But the Beat Ultimate", album che David Guetta ha pubblicato nel 2012.

David Guetta – Metro Music Testo

Sometimes I wonderWhere you're gone, where you've beenWhere you're gone, where you've beenWhere you're gone, where you've been.....  Sometimes I wonderwhere you're gone, where you've beenSometimes I wonderwhere you're gone, where you've beenSometimes I wonderwhere you're gone, where you've beenSometimes I wonderwhere you're gone, where you've been

Nothing But the Beat Ultimate Compra la canzone Metro Music Compra su iTunes 1,29 €

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