World Full of Nothing testo – Depeche Mode

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Leggi il testo di World Full of Nothing dei Depeche Mode e guarda il videoclip ufficiale di World Full of Nothing. Il brano è contenuto in "Black Celebration (Remastered)" e "Black Celebration", album che i Depeche Mode hanno pubblicato nel 2016 e nel 2013.

Depeche Mode – World Full of Nothing Testo

Skin on skin
Tears are falling
Tears of joy
Her first boy
His first girl
Makes a change

In a world full of nothing
Though it's not love
It means something

She's lonely
And he says
It's for her only
That he lusts
She doesn't trust him
Nothing is true
But he will do

It's easy to slip away
And believe it all

Black Celebration Compra la canzone World Full of Nothing Compra su iTunes 1,29 €

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