(I'm Looking For) Cracks In the Pavement testo – Duran Duran

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Scopri il significato di (I'm Looking For) Cracks In the Pavement dei Duran Duran! Leggi il testo di questa canzone inclusa in 3 album dei Duran Duran, "Seven and the Ragged Tiger", "The Singles 81-85"e "Seven and the Ragged Tiger (Remastered)", pubblicati dal 1983 al 2010

Duran Duran – (I'm Looking For) Cracks In the Pavement Testo

I shed my skin
When the party was about to begin
I'm light years away but I'm walking back tonight
Of all nights
When I should be feeling just right
Don't want to be in public
My head is full of chopstick
I don't like it

Something on my mind
Breaking open doors I had sealed up before
Something on my mind
Makes me run when I thought I'd run too far

Somebody shaking my tree
Maybe that somebody is me
I'm standing in the light but
I'm making a break for the shadows
On the cinema wall
They should be mine but I'm not that tall
Now I'm saying this in privaate
If I had a car I'd drive it


I'm looking for cracks in the pavement

Seven and the Ragged Tiger (Remastered) Compra la canzone (I'm Looking For) Cracks In the Pavement Compra su iTunes 1,29 €

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