The Trains of Tozeur testo – Franco Battiato

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The Trains of Tozeur è una canzone di Franco Battiato contenuta nei suoi album "Povera patria (Best & Rarities) [Remastered]" e "Echoes of Sufi Dances" usciti rispettivamente nel 2010 e nel 2007. Leggi qui il testo di The Trains of Tozeur e scopri il significato del brano!

Franco Battiato – The Trains of Tozeur Testo

In the frontier villages they
Watch the trains pass by so slowly
And roads are deserted in Tozeur.

From a house far away
Your mother observes me
And she remembers me
For my very special ways
Then for just a moment my longing
To live at another pace begins to waken in me.
Still they pass, still very slowly
the trains for Tozeur.

In the churches, God-forsaken,
Shelters are being prepared and new ships,
For trips among the stars

In an old empty mine,
Vast stretches of salt
And a memory of me
Like into a magic spell

Echoes of Sufi Dances Compra la canzone The Trains of Tozeur Compra su iTunes 1,29 €

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