Depends On You testo – Gabry Ponte

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Scopri il significato di Depends On You di Gabry Ponte! Leggi il testo di questa canzone inclusa in 3 album di Gabry Ponte, "Dottor Jekyll & Mister DJ", "Depends On You"e "Dottor Jekill & Mister DJ", pubblicati dal 2004 al 2007

Gabry Ponte – Depends On You Testo

I Believe That Your Life Depends On You,
Depends On You,
But The End Always Come,
And there's Nothing To Do,
I Believe In A Lord, But
Not Without A Sin,
But The End Always Come,
And there's Nothing To Do
I Believe That Your Life Depends On You,
Depends On You,
But The End Always Come,
And there's Nothing To Do,
I Believe In A Lord, But
Not Without A Sin,
But The End Always Come,
And there's Nothing To Win

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