Justin Bieber, in Rete spunta un brano inedito: ascolta Vatican
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Qualche ora fa e senza nessun preavviso, su Internet è approdato Vatican, un nuovo brano inedito di . Molti siti hanno riportato questo incredibile scoop, anche se ancora non è stata appurata la fonte della notizia stessa.
Ultimamente, il cantante canadese è stato al centro del gossip per i suoi continui cambi di look e siamo ben lieti che finalmente si parli della sua musica. In poche ore Vatican ha fatto il giro del web e sta già facendo discutere la nutrita fandom del cantautore di What Do You Mean?
Il brano ha una sonorità che si avvicina molto a quelle tipiche del genere R&B ed in quanto a ritmo e struttura, avrebbe potuto tranquillamente entrare a far parte del suo ultimo disco.
Cosa ne pensi di questo inedito?
Vatican - Justin Bieber - testo
Yeah, yeah!
She was sitting right in front of me
(But she kept looking back at me)
She said do you need some company?
(Anybody sitting right there...?)
'Cause I would love if you would come with me
And girl I really wanna take you out
Show you what I'm all about
Baby let me work you out
There's nothing in between us now
I see the want too in your eyes
Don't fight it, don't be afraid
I know you want to
So don't lie
Show you why you need me
Don't let this moment be in vain
Don't let me slip away
You'll regret it tomorrow
You'll regret it tomorrow
Don't let the seconds turn to minutes
Please don't make me wait
You'll regret it tomorrow
You'll regret it tomorrow
I just wanna connect with you mentally
Cause I'm attracted to you physically
You remind me of a science class
I wanna study your anatomy
Giving you the green light
Don't treat me like a stop sign
Oh no girl
Don't let me immediate you
Let me embrace you
I see the want too in your eyes
Don't fight it, don't be afraid
I know you want to
So don't lie
Show you why you need me
Don't let this moment be in vain
Don't let me slip away
You'll regret it tomorrow
ou'll regret it tomorrow
Don't let the seconds turn to minutes
Please don't make me wait
You'll regret it tomorrow
You'll regret it tomorrow
Don't let this moment be in vain
Don't let me slip away
You'll regret it tomorrow
You'll regret it tomorrow
Don't let the seconds turn to minutes
Please don't make me wait
You'll regret it tomorrow
(You'll regret it tomorrow...)
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