Where I End and You Begin testo – Radiohead

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Scopri il significato di Where I End and You Begin dei Radiohead! Leggi il testo di questa canzone inclusa negli album "Hail to the Thief" e "Hail to the Thief (Deluxe Version)", pubblicati rispettivamente nel 2016 e nel 2008 dai Radiohead

Radiohead – Where I End and You Begin Testo

There's a gap in between
There's a gap where we meet
Where I end and you begin
And I'm sorry for us
The dinosaurs roam the earth
The sky turns green
Where I end and you begin
I am up in the clouds
I am up in the clouds
And I can't and I can't come down
I can watch and can't take part
Where I end and where you start
Where you, you left me alone
You left me alone
X'll mark the place
Like the parting of the waves
Like a house falling in the sea
In the sea
I will eat you alive [x4]
There'll be no more lies [x4]
I will eat you alive [x4]
There'll be no more lies [x4]
I will eat you alive [x4]
There are no more lies [x4]
I will eat you alive [x3]

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