Archivio album marzo 1997
Gli album in primo piano
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Settimana 14
- Aida : Prélude
- Aida: Preludio
- Aida : Act II, Scène II, "Salvator Della Patria" (Le Roi, Radamès, Ramfis, les Prêtres)
- Aida: Salvator della patria
- Aida: Si, corre voce che I'Etiope ardisca
- Aida : Act I, Scène I, "Si, Corre Voce Che l'Etiope Ardisca" (Ramfis, Radamès)
- Aida: Che veggo! Egli? Mio padre!....Anch'io pugnai...Ma tu, Re, Tu signore possente
- Aida : Act II, Scène II, "Che Veggo! Egli? Moi Padre!...Anch'io Pugnai...Ma Tu, Re, Tu Signore Possente" (Aïda, Amneris, Amonasro, le Roi, les Esclaves, Les Prisonniers, Ramfis, les Prêtres, Le Peuple)
- Aida : Act I, Scène I, "Se, Quel Guerrieroio Fossi" (Radamès)
- Aida: Se quel gerriero io fossil!
- Aida : Act II, Scène II, "Il Dolor Che In Quel Volto Favella" (Tous)
- Aida: Il dolor che in quel volto favella
- Aida : Act I, Scène I, "Celeste Aida" (Radamès)
- Aida: Celeste Aida
- Aida : Act II, Scène II, "O Re, Pei Sacri Numi...Gloria All'Egitto" (Tous)
- Aida: O Re, Pei sacri Numi....Gloria all'Egitto
- Aida : Act I, Scène I, "Quale Insolita Gioia Nel Tuo Sguardo!" (Amneris, Radamès)
- Aida: Qual insolita gioia nel tuo sguardo!
- Aida : Act III, "O Tu Che Sei d'Osiride" (Chœur, Ramfis, Amneris)
- Aida: O tu che sei d'Osiride
- Aida: Vieni, o diletta appressati
- Aida : Act I, Scène I, "Vieni, O Diletta, Appressati" (Amneris, Aïda, Radamès)
- Aida : Act III, "Vieni d'Iside Al Tempio" (Chœur, Ramfis, Amneris)
- Aida: Vieni d'Iside al tempio
- Aida: Alta cagion v'aduna
- Aida : Act I, Scène I, "Alta Cagion V'Aduna" (Le Roi, Le Messager, Aïda, Radamès, Amneris, Ministres, Capitaines)
- Aida : Act III, "Qui Radamès Verrà" (Aïda)
- Aida: Qui Radames verra
- Aida: Su! del Nilo al sacro lido
- Aida : Act I, Scène I, "Su! del Nilo Al Sacro Lido" (Le Roi, Ramfis, Ministres, Le Capitaine, Aïda, Radamès, Amneris, Les Prêtres, Le Messager)
- Aida: O patria mia
- Aida : Act III, "O Patria Mia" (Aïda)
- Aida : Act I, Scène I, "Ritorna Vincitor!" (Aïda)
- Aida: Ritorna vincitor!
- Aida: Ciel! mio padre!
- Aida : Act III, "Ciel Mio Padre!" (Aïda, Amonasro)
- Aida: Possente Ftha...Tu che dal nulla hai Tratto
- Aida : Act I, Scène II, "Possente Fthà...Tu Che Dal Nulla Hai Tratto" (La Prêtresse, Ramfis, les Prêtres)
- Aida : Act III, "Rivedrai le Foreste Imbalsamate!" (Aïda, Amonasro)
- Aida: Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate
- Aida : Act I, Scène II, "Immenso Fthà!...Mortal Diletto Ai Numi" (les Prêtres, Ramfis)
- Aida: Immenso Ftha...Mortal, diletto ai Numi
- Aida: Pur ti riveggo, mia dolce Aida
- Aida : Act III, "Pur Ti Riveggo, Mia Dolce Aïda" (Radamès, Aïda)
- Aida : Act I, Scène II, "Nume, Custode E Vindice" (Ramfis, Radamès, Sacerdoti, les Prètres)
- Aida: Nume, custode e vindice
- Aida: Nel fiero anelito di nuova guerra
- Aida : Act II, Scène I, "Chi Mai Fra Gl'inni E I Plausi" (les Esclaves, Amneris)
- Aida: Chi mai fra gl'inni e i plausi
- Aida : Act III, "Fuggiam Gli Ardori Inospiti...Là, tra Foreste Vergini" (Radamès, Aïda)
- Aida: Fuggiam gli ardori inospiti...La, tra forests vergini
- Aida: Danza degli Schiavi Mori
- Aida : Act II, Scène I, "Danse des Esclaves Maures"
- Aida: Ma dimmi; per qual via
- Aida : Act III, "Ma Dimmi - Per Qual Via" (Aïda, Radamès, Amonasro, Amneris, Ramfis)
- Aida : Act II, Scène I, "Vieni, Sul Crun Ti Piovano" (Les Esclaves, Amneris)
- Aida: Vieni, sul crin ti piovano
- Aida : Act IV, Scène I, "L'aborrita Rivale a Me Sfuggia" (Amneris)
- Aida: L'abborrita rivale a me sfuggia
- Aida : Act II, Scène I, "Fu la Sorte Dell'Armi a' Tuoi Funesta" (Amneris, Aïda)
- Aida: Fu la sorte dell'ammi a'tuoi funesta
- Aida: Gia i sacerdoti adunansi
- Aida : Act IV, Scène I, "Già L Sacerdoti Adunansi" (Amneris, Radamès)
- Aida: Pieta ti prenda del mio dolor...
- Aida : Act II, Scène I, "Pietà Ti Prenda del Mio Dolor" (Chœur, Aïda, Amneris)
- Aida : Act IV, Scène I, "Ohimè! Morir Mi Sento" (Amneris, Radamès, les Prêtres)
- Aida: Ohime! morir mi sento!
- Aida: Su! del Nilo al sacro lido...Numi, Pieta
- Aida : Act II, Scène I, "Su! del Nilo Al Sactro Lido...Numi Pietà" (Chœur, Aïda, Amneris)
- Aida: Spirto del nume
- Aida : Act IV, Scène I, "Spirto del Nume" (Amneris, Radamès, les Prêtres)
- Aida: Gloria all'Egitto, ad Iside
- Aida : Act II, Scène II, "Gloria All'Egitto, Ad Iside" (le Peuple, les prêtres)
- Aida : Act IV, Scène I, "A Lui Vivo, la Tomba!...Sacerdoti - Compiste un Delitto!" (Amneris, Radamès, les Prêtres)
- Aida: A lui vivo, la tomba!...Sacerdoti: compiste un delitto!
- Aida : Act II, Scène II, "Marche Triomphale"
- Aida: Marcia trionfale
- Aida: La fatal pietra sovra me si chiuse
- Aida : Act IV, Scène II, "La Fatal Pietra Sovra Me Si Chiuse" (Radamès, Aïda, Prêtres)
- Aida: Ballabile
- Aida : Act II, Scène II, "Ballet"
- Aida : Act IV, Scène II, "Vedi? Di Morte L'Angelo...Immenso Fthà" (Radamès, Aïda, Prêtres)
- Aida: Vedi? Di morte I'angelo...Immenso Ftha
- Aida : Act II, Scène II, "Vieni, O Guerriero Vindice" (Le Peuple Les Prêtres)
- Aida: Vieni, o guerriero vindice
- Aida: O terra addio
- Aida : Act IV, Scène II, "O Terra, Addio" (Aïda, Radamès, Chœur, Amneris)
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Compralo su iTunes 9,99 €
Compralo su iTunes 9,90 €
- Open Arms
- Trust and Believe
- The Good Shepherd
- Gotta Have Love
- What About the Children
- More Than a Melody
- My Desire
- Take Away
- Fly Like an Eagle / Fly Away
- You Changed My Life
Settimana 13
Compralo su iTunes 10,20 €
Compralo su iTunes 10,99 €
- Cars
- I Die: You Die
- Are "Friends" Electric?
- Down In the Park
- We Are Glass
- Bombers
- We Take Mystery (To Bed) [Edit]
- She's Got Claws
- Complex
- Music for Chameleons (Edit)
- That's Too Bad
- This Wreckage
- Warriors
- Love Needs No Disguise
- White Boys and Heroes (Edit)
- Sister Surprise (Single Mix)
- Stormtrooper In Drag
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- Cars (Premier Mix)
- I Die: You Die
- Are 'Friends' Electric?
- Down in the Park
- We Are Glass
- Bombers (Remastered)
- We Take Mystery (To Bed) [Edit]
- She's Got Claws
- Complex
- Music for Chameleons (Edit)
- That's Too Bad (Remastered)
- This Wreckage
- Warriors
- Love Needs No Disguise
- White Boys and Heroes (Edit)
- Sister Surprise (Single Mix)
- Stormtrooper in Drag
- Cars
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- Everything Right Is Wrong Again
- Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head
- Number Three
- Don't Let's Start
- Hide Away Folk Family
- 32 Footsteps
- Toddler Hiway
- Rabid Child
- Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes
- (She Was a) Hotel Detective
- She's an Angel
- Youth Culture Killed My Dog
- Boat of Car
- Absolutely Bill's Mood
- Chess Piece Face
- Hope That I Get Old Before I Die
- Alienation's for the Rich
- The Day
- Rhythm Section Want Ad
- We're the Replacements
- When It Rains It Snows
- The Famous Polka
- Untitled
- For Science
- The Biggest One
- Kiss Me, Son of God (Alternate Version)
- Mr. Klaw
- Critic Intro
- Now That I Have Everything
- Mainstream U.S.A.
- Fake out in Buenos Aires
- Greek #3
- Hope That I Get Old Before I Die (Original Version)
- I'm Def
- Don't Let's Start (Demo Version)
- '85 Radio Special Thank You
- Ana Ng
- Cowtown
- Lie Still, Little Bottle
- Purple Toupee
- Cage & Aquarium
- Where Your Eyes Don't Go
- Piece of Dirt
- Mr. Me
- Pencil Rain
- The World's Address
- I've Got a Match
- Santa's Beard
- You'll Miss Me
- They'll Need a Crane
- Shoehorn with Teeth
- Stand on Your Own Head
- Snowball in Hell
- Kiss Me, Son of God
- Hello Radio
- It's Not My Birthday
- I'll Sink Manhattan
- Nightgown of the Sullen Moon
- The World's Address (Joshua Fried Remix)
- Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal
- Lady Is a Tramp
- Birds Fly
- Kitten Intro
- Weep Day
- The Big Big Whoredom
- I'm Gettin' sentimental over You (Adaptation)
- Become a Robot
- Which Describes How You're Feeling
- Swing Is a Word
- Doris Cunningham
- Counterfeit Fake
- Schoolchildren Singing "Particle Man"
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Settimana 12
Compralo su iTunes 8,99 €
- Sideway Spiral Pt. l
- Walking on the Water
- Heartattack Mac
- Pills, Powders and Passionplays
- In the Family
- Un Chien d'Espace
- Sideway Spiral Pt. 2
- Like Always
- Stalemate
- Starmelt / Lovelight
- Timothy's Monster
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Compralo su iTunes 3,49 €
Compralo su iTunes 6,99 €
- Buzzard Song
- Bess, You Is My Woman Now
- Gone
- Gone, Gone, Gone
- Summertime
- Oh Bess, Oh Where's My Bess?
- Prayer (Oh Doctor Jesus)
- Fishermen, Strawberry and Devil Crab
- My Man's Gone Now
- It Ain't Necessarily So
- Here Come de Honey Man
- I Wants to Stay Here (a.k.a. I Loves You Porgy)
- There's a Boat That's Leaving Soon for New York
- I Loves You, Porgy
- Gone (Take 4)
- Cool #9
- Cool #9 (Live)
- Flying In a Blue Dream
- Flying In a Blue Dream (Live)
- Summer Song (Live)
- Summer Song
- Zap
- Zap (Live)
- Manhatten
- Manhattan (Live)
- Camel's Night Out (Live)
- Camel's Night Out
- Answers
- Answers (Live)
- For the Love of God (Live)
- For the Love of God
- The Attitude Song
- The Attitude Song (Live)
- Going Down (Live)
- Going Down
- My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama
- My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama (Live)
- Red House
- Red House (Live)
Compralo su iTunes 8,99 €
- The Thrill Is Gone
- Time After Time
- I Get Along Without You Very Well
- My Funny Valentine
- I Fall in Love Too Easily
- You Don't Know What Love Is
- It's Always You
- I've Never Been in Love Before
- My Buddy
- Like Someone in Love
Settimana 11
Compralo su iTunes 4,99 €
- Chiara
- Nu jeans e 'na maglietta
- Nu Jeans e na maglietta
- Maledetto treno
- Amore provvisorio
- Amore improvviso
- Amore provvisiorio
- Vai
- Dialogo
- Fotoromanzo
- A discoteca
- Sotto 'e stelle
- Sotto e stelle
- Pe mme, tu si...
- Pe mme,tu si
- Un ragazzo, una ragazza
- Un ragazzo una ragazza
- Crisi d'amore
- Pop corn e patatine
- Popcorn e patatine
- Fra cinquant'anni
- Scugnizzo a New York
- Storia
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Compralo su iTunes 7,99 €
- The King Step Mk.1
- The Buzz Feeling
- Lyric Officer Mk.2
- Demonstrate
- Two in a One Mk.1
- Hold Your Position Mk.3
- Hip Hop Lyrical Robot
- Style Mk.4
- Fight Fe Come in Mk.2
- V's Version
- Don't Break My Heart
- I Got You Babe
- Mi Spliff
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Compralo su iTunes 10,99 €
- All I Want To Do
- You Could Meet Somebody
- Tell It Like It Is
- The Elevator
- Watchdogs
- Rat In Mi Kitchen
- Looking Down At My Reflection
- Don't Blame Me
- Sing Our Own Song
Compralo su iTunes 8,99 €
- Dance With the Devil
- Come Out to Play
- Breakfast in Bed
- You're Always Pulling Me Down
- I Would Do for You
- 'Cos It Isn't True
- Where Did I Go Wrong
- Conteminated Minds
- Matter of Time
- Music So Nice
- Dance With the Devil (Reprise)
Compralo su iTunes 1,98 €
Compralo su iTunes 11,99 €
- Jingo
- Jingo (Live)
- Soul Sacrifice (Live)
- Soul Sacrifice
- Persuasion (Live)
- Persuasion
- As the Years Go Passing By
- As the Years Go Passing By (Live)
- Treat
- Treat (Live)
- Freeway (Live)
- Freeway
- Chunk a Funk (Live)
- Chunk a Funk
- Fried Neckbones
- Fried Neck Bones and Some Homefries (Live)
- Conquistadore Rides Again
- Conquistadore Rides Again (Live)
Compralo su iTunes 11,99 €
Compralo su iTunes 11,99 €
Settimana 10
Compralo su iTunes 7,92 €
- Daddy Cool
- Take the Heat Off Me
- Sunny
- Baby Do You Wanna Bump
- No Woman No Cry
- Fever
- Got a Man On My Mind
- Lovin' or Leavin'
- New York City
- Perfect
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- Buona Sarah
- Gimmi Gimmi
- Worksong
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- F**k Dub (Fauna Flash "The Night Before the Morning After" Mix)
- F**k Dub (Haaksman Mix)
- F**k Dub (Beanfield "F**k Electro" Mix)
Compralo su iTunes 13,99 €
- Life After Death (Intro)
- Notorious Thugs
- Somebody's Gotta Die
- Miss You
- Hypnotize
- Another (feat. Lil' Kim)
- Kick In the Door
- Going Back to Cali
- #!*@ You Tonight (feat. R. Kelly)
- Ten Crack Commandments
- Last Day (feat. The Lox)
- Playa Hater
- I Love the Dough (feat. Jay-Z & Angel Winbush)
- Nasty Boy
- What's Beef
- Sky's the Limit (feat. 112)
- B.I.G. (Interlude)
- The World Is Filled... (feat. Too Short & Puff Daddy)
- Mo Money Mo Problems (feat. Mase & Puff Daddy)
- My Downfall (feat. DMC)
- Niggas Bleed
- Long Kiss Goodnight
- I Got a Story to Tell
- You're Nobody (Til Somebody Kills You)
Compralo su iTunes 15,99 €
- Life After Death (Intro) [2014 Remastered Version]
- Somebody's Gotta Die (2014 Remastered Version)
- Hypnotize (2014 Remastered Version)
- Kick In the Door (2014 Remastered Version)
- #!*@ You Tonight (feat. R. Kelly) [2014 Remastered Version]
- Last Day (feat. The Lox) [2014 Remastered Version]
- I Love the Dough (feat. Jay-Z & Angela Winbush) [2014 Remastered Version]
- What's Beef (2014 Remastered Version)
- B.I.G. (Interlude) [2014 Remastered Version]
- Mo Money Mo Problems (feat. Mase & Puff Daddy) [2014 Remastered Version]
- Niggas Bleed (2014 Remastered Version)
- I Got a Story To Tell (2014 Remastered Version)
- Notorious Thugs (2014 Remastered Version)
- Miss U (2014 Remastered Version)
- Another (feat. Lil' Kim) [2014 Remastered Version]
- Going Back To Cali (2014 Remastered Version)
- Ten Crack Commandments (2014 Remastered Version)
- Playa Hater (2014 Remastered Version)
- Nasty Boy (2014 Remastered Version)
- Sky's the Limit (feat. 112) [2014 Remastered Version]
- The World Is Filled... (feat. Too Short & Puff Daddy) [2014 Remastered Version]
- My Downfall (feat. DMC) [2014 Remastered Version]
- Long Kiss Goodnight (2014 Remastered Version)
- You're Nobody (Til Somebody Kills You) [2014 Remastered Version]
Settimana 9
Compralo su iTunes 9,99 €
- Doctor! Doctor!
- You Take Me Up
- Hold Me Now
- Day After Day
- No Peace for the Wicked
- The Gap
- Sister of Mercy
- Storm On the Sea
- Who Can Stop the Rain
Archivio album: