Gagging Order testo – Radiohead

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Leggi il testo di Gagging Order dei Radiohead e guarda il videoclip ufficiale di Gagging Order. Il brano è contenuto in "3" album dal 2003 al 2008, ovvero, "Com Lag: 2+2=5", "Com Lag: 2+2=5 - EP"e "Hail to the Thief (Deluxe Version)"

Radiohead – Gagging Order Testo

I know what you're thinking
But I'm not your property
No matter what you say
No matter what you say

Move along, there's nothing left to see
Just a body, nothing left to see

A couple more for breakfast
A little more for tea
Just to take the edge off
Just to take the edge off

Move along, there's nothing left to see
Just a body, pouring down the street

Move along, there's nothing left to see
Just a body, nothing left to see

Move along

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