Sensation commenced in Amsterdam in 2000, and since then over half a million people across the world have experienced one of the most spectacular dance and music phenomenons in the world.
The first ever Sensation took place at the Amsterdam ArenA – home of Ajax football club, and was experienced by 20,000 clubbers. The following year, Sensation as we know it was born. As a tribute to his brother Miles, who helped found ID&T before sadly dying in a car accident, Duncan Stutterheim, Sensation CEO, asked visitors to dress in white as people did at Miles’ funeral. Numbers had doubled from the first year, and eighty percent of the 40,000 attendees did so, creating an image so staggering that the dress code has remained the same ever since.
Le immagini più belle della tre giorni di musica elettronica in Belgio per il Tomorrowland 2015, guarda la foto gallery di quello che è successo sui 13 palchi