Kylie e Dannii Minogue natalizie nel video di 100 Degrees: guarda
13 condivisioni

Manca più di un mese a Natale e forse è troppo presto per sentire lo spirito natalizio, ma e la sorella minore non la pensano così e hanno pubblicato il video della natalizia 100 Degrees.
Il brano compare nel nuovo album di Natale Kylie Christmas, che comprende collaborazioni con James Corden per Only You, per Santa Claus Is Coming To Town e per Christmas Wrapping.
Il disco, uscito lo scorso 13 novembre per l'etichetta Parlophone, sarà presentato dal vivo alla Royal Albert Hall di Londra con un concerto esclusivo in programma venerdì 11 dicembre.
Kylie Christmas è il 13esimo album in studio per la popstar australiana, che torna sulle scene musicali a distanza di un anno da Kiss Me Once. La versione standard contiene 13 tracce, l'edizione deluxe 3 tracce in più, tra cui proprio 100 Degrees.
Guarda qui sotto il video, a seguire il testo della canzone.
Kylie Minogue - 100 Degrees lyrics
All around the world
Cause here it comes again
You see
No matter where you are
It could be near or far
But it still feels like
Christmas time
To me
I tell you what you already know
Forget and ready to let it go
The countdown has began
Whether you're in the mmh
Thoughts up it's all the same
Let your troubles fade away
Get ready to love anyone
Whether the sun beats down
Or there's a storm around
Whether the snow falls or
It's 100 degrees
It's still Christmas to me
Oh, we're gonna dance tonight
Oh, let the temperature rise
To 100 degrees
To one hundred, hundred, hundred degrees
You know you just can't get enough
Gonna keep beating it up
To 100 degrees
To one hundred, hundred, hundred degrees
Can you feel the heat on the floor?
Really gets you wanting some more
That's making everyone ready tonight
Whether the sun beats down
Or there's a storm around
Whether the snow falls or
It's 100 degrees
It's still Christmas to me
Oh, we're gonna dance tonight
Oh, let the temperature rise
To 100 degrees
To one hundred, hundred, hundred degrees
You know you just can't get enough
Gonna keep beating it up
To 100 degrees
To one hundred, hundred, hundred degrees
Oh, we're loading now to fairy lights
Everyone's got a different way
But we all want the same
We want disco night
Hundred, hundred, hundred
Hundred, hundred, hundred
Hundred, hundred, hundred degrees
It's still Christmas to me
Oh, we're gonna dance tonight
Oh, let the temperature rise
To 100 degrees
To one hundred, hundred, hundred degrees
You know you just can't get enough
Gonna keep beating it up
To 100 degrees
To one hundred, hundred, hundred degrees
Altro su #Natale in musica
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