
Future Islands - Balance (Video Ufficiale e Testo)

Guarda e leggi il testo del brano Balance gruppo musicale synthpop di Baltimora Future Islands, la canzone Balance è stata usata per la pubblicità di Nokia 1520

Future Islands - Balance (Video Ufficiale e Testo)

You can clean around the wound
But if you want it to heal,
It just takes time.
And you can call up to the moon
But if you want something to change
You gotta change your life
And take your time

It just takes time
It just takes time
It just takes time
All of your time

And the sun will leave the room
Leave you to the night
And that's alright
Because before the morning comes,
There's a certain calm
And then there's light

It just takes time
It just takes time
Oh, just your time
You can change your life
It just takes time
Oh trust in your time

And I can sit and talk
'cause I was just like you
So arrogant and brave
Impetuous and crude
But trust me as a friend
And I'll do all that I can do
And I'll do anything for you
Because I want to see you through.

It just takes time
All of your time
You can change your life
It just takes time
A little trust in your time
A little trust in your time
A little trust in your time
It just takes time
Just your time
All of your time
All of your time
All of your time.

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