Radiohead, OK Computer entra nella Biblioteca del Congresso USA
29 condivisioni

Cari fan dei Radiohead, da oggi possiamo dormire sonni tranquilli: "OK Computer" sarà conservato nella Biblioteca del Congresso statunitense a Washington, uno dei posti più sicuri al mondo.
Il terzo album in studio della band inglese - quello della definitiva consacrazione - è tra i 25 capolavori registrati tra il 1890 to 1999 ed entrati nel National Recording Registry, l'archivio che conserva tutto ciò che è "importante culturalmente, storicamente o esteticamente, e/o fornisce informazioni o riflette la vita negli Stati Uniti".

A far compagnia a Thom Yorke e soci ci sono altri due titoli importanti come "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" di , uscito nel 1998, e l'omonimo album dei , risalente al 1966.
Di seguito tutte le 25 registrazioni entrate quest'anno nella Biblioteca del Congresso americano:
- Sorry, Wrong Number (episode of Suspense radio series, May 25, 1943)
- Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive (single) - Johnny Mercer (1944)
- The Doors (album) - The Doors (1967)
- OK Computer (album) - Radiohead (1997)
- The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill (album) - Lauryn Hill (1998)
- A Wild and Crazy Guy (album) - Steve Martin (1978)
- You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' (single) – the Righteous Brothers (1964)
- Stand! (album) - Sly and the Family Stone (1969)
- Kiss Me, Kate (original cast album) (1949)
- The Vernacular Wax Cylinder Recordings at University of California, Santa Barbara Library (c 1890-1910)
- Black Snake Moan/Matchbox Blues (single) - Blind Lemon Jefferson (1928)
- Stand by Me (single) - Ben E King (1961)
- Radio Coverage of President Franklin D Roosevelt's Funeral - Arthur Godfrey, et al (April 14, 1945)
- John Brown's Body (album) - Tyrone Power, Judith Anderson and Raymond Massey; directed by Charles Laughton (1953)
- My Funny Valentine (single) - the Gerry Mulligan Quartet featuring Chet Baker (1953)
- Sixteen Tons (single) - Tennessee Ernie Ford (1955)
- Mary Don't You Weep (single) - The Swan Silvertones (1959)
- Joan Baez (album) - Joan Baez (1960)
- New Orleans Sweet Emma Barrett and Her Preservation Hall Jazz Band (album) - Sweet Emma and Her Preservation Hall Jazz Band (1964)
- Lincoln Mayorga and Distinguished Colleagues (album) - Lincoln Mayorga (1968)
- Sesame Street: All-Time Platinum Favourites (album) - Various (1995)
- Songs of the Old Regular Baptists (album) - Various (1997)
- Fanfares for the Uncommon Woman (album) - Colorado Symphony Orchestra, Marin Alsop, conductor; Joan Tower, composer (1999)
- The Benjamin Ives Gilman Collection, recorded at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago (1893)
- The Boys of the Lough/The Humours of Ennistymon (single) – Michael Coleman (1922)
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