U2, il nuovo singolo Song For Someone e l'inizio del tour mondiale
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Per gli questo 15 maggio sarà una data di svolta perché torneranno finalmente a calcare i palchi a 4 anni dall'ultima dall'ultima tournée: parte infatti da Vancouver l'Innocence + Experience Tour 2015, che arriverà anche in Italia a settembre con due tappe al Palalpitour di Torino - ovviamente entrambe sold out.
Ma e soci tornano anche nelle radio italiane con il nuovo singolo "Song For Someone", brano estratto dall'album (già certificato disco di platino) "Songs of Innocence".
L'Innocence + Experience Tour 2015 è stato presentato in anteprima negli Stati Uniti al programma TV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
Durante la puntata, il gruppo irlandese si è anche prestato a due divertenti sketch: nel primo la band ha suonato nella metropolitana di New York in versione buskers, nel secondo Bono ha ricreato con il presentatore Jimmy Fallon il suo incidente in bicicletta di qualche mese fa.
Ascolta il nuovo singolo Song for Someone
Leggi il testo di Song For Someone
You got a face not spoiled by beauty
I have some scars from where I’ve been
You’ve got eyes that can see right through me
You’re not afraid of anything you’ve seen
I was told that I would feel nothing the first time
I don’t know how these cuts heal
But in you I found a rhyme
If there is a light
You can’t always see
And there is a world
We can’t always be
If there is a dark
That we shouldn’t doubt
And there is a light
Don’t let it go out
And this is a song
A song for someone
This is a song
A song for someone
You let me into a conversation
A conversation only we could make
You break and enter my imagination
Whatever’s in there
It’s yours to take
I was told I’d feel nothing the first time
You were slow to heal
But this could be the night
If there is a light
You can’t always see
And there is a world
We can’t always be
If there is a dark
Within and without
And there is a light
Don’t let it go out
And this is a song
A song for someone
This is a song
A song for someone
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And I’m a long way
From your hill of Cavalry
And I’m a long way
From where I was and where I need to be
If there is a light
You can’t always see
There is a world
We can’t always be
If there is a kiss
I stole from your mouth
And there is a light
Don’t let it go out
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