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Elbow - The Take Off and Landing of Everything (Video ufficiale e testo)

Elbow - The Take Off and Landing of Everything: guarda il video ufficiale e leggi il testo della canzone

Elbow - The Take Off and Landing of Everything testo

You have the time-worn shimmer of tarantella on a Tuscan plain
Patiently listen as dull reminiscences fall from my jaws in a jumble again
You hold a lamp to my slumber
I resurface just to do a new number on you

You kiss the wrist of the hand that has twisted itself all into your hair
You close the blinds and doors behind me and clear all obstacles on the stair
You are an open book
I’m on the bathroom floor
Yours is an open door
I’m throwing ballast overboard

You are a genius teetering
Hurricane wild be calm as the deep
Every living thing needs watering
I miss loving you
Actually loving you
Words on my bedroom wall
Speak of my stone cold care

A prayer to the take off and landing of everything
Leaving your lips as we took to the sky
And a prayer to the take off and landing of everything
I’ll say for you and I will for all time
Wrote on my bedroom wall
Spoke of your deep true care
Over my shoulder and just as I leave
I see you slipping the world up your sleeve
Well take it and run
Go on
That’s why it’s there

In a prayer to the take off and landing of everything good

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