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Sabrina Salerno - Erase Rewind (Video ufficiale e testo)

Sabrina Salerno - Erase Rewind: guarda il video ufficiale e leggi il testo della canzone

Sabrina Salerno - Erase Rewind testo

Hey, what did you hear me say
you know the difference it makes
what did you hear me say

Yes, I said it's fine before
I don't think so no more
I said it's fine before
I've changed my mind
I take it back

Erase and Rewind
'cause I've been changing my mind

Erase and Rewind
'cause I've been changing my mind

I've changed my mind

So where did you see me go
it's not the right way, you know
where did you see me go
No, it's not that I don't know
I just don't want it to grow
It's not that I don't know
I've changed my mind
I take it back

Erase and Rewind
'cause I've been changing my mind

Erase and Rewind
'cause I've been changing my mind

Erase and Rewind
'cause I've been changing my mind

Erase and Rewind
'cause I've been changing my mind

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