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Status Quo - A Mess Of Blues (Video ufficiale e testo)

Status Quo - A Mess Of Blues: guarda il video ufficiale e leggi il testo della canzone

Status Quo - A Mess Of Blues testo

I just got your letter baby, too bad you can't come home
I swear I'm going crazy, sitting here all alone
Since you gone I got a mess of the blues

Whoops there goes a tear drop, a-rolling down my face
And if you cry when you're alone it's surely no disgrace

I ain't slept a wink since Sunday, I can't eat a thing all day
And every day is just Blue Monday since you've been away
Since you gone I got a mess of the blues

Whoops there goes a tear drop, a rolling down my face
And if you cry when you're alone it's surely no disgrace

I gotta get myself together before I lose my mind
I'm gonna catch-a the next train going, and leave my blues behind
Since you gone I got a mess of the blues

I gotta get myself together before I lose my mind
I'm gonna catch-a the next train going, and leave my blues behind
Since you gone I got a mess of the blues
Since you gone I got a mess of the blues
Since you gone I got a mess of the blues

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