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The Dillinger Escape Plan - The Mullet Burden (Video ufficiale e testo)

The Dillinger Escape Plan - The Mullet Burden: guarda il video ufficiale e leggi il testo della canzone

The Dillinger Escape Plan - The Mullet Burden testo

such worthless crust and crazed
now cring to slap the wrist
i sense you cracked and weak
the nonexistent won't care
when you fail to wake
i sense you cracked and weak
i wonder if you would
i wonder if you could
please just a small taste
of the offer unrefused
bonded by a muddy crippled story
and now i wonder if you really ever could
you're no good
self-sodomize once more
yet fragile and tight
a reckless mangled conscience
with only the imbalance of evils
wait for guidance
end it all now

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