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Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You (Video ufficiale e testo)

Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You: guarda il video ufficiale e leggi il testo della canzone

Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You testo

Im just the pieces of the man I used to be
Too many bitter tears are raining down on me
Im far away from home
And Ive been facing this alone
For much too long
I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be
In my tangled state of mind
Ive been looking back to find
Where I went wrong

Too much love will kill you
If you can't make up your mind
Torn between the lover
And the love you leave behind
Youre headed for disaster
Cos you never read the signs
Too much love will kill you
Every time

Im just the shadow of the man I used to be
And it seems like there's no way out of this for me
I used to bring you sunshine
Now all I ever do is bring you down
How would it be if you were standing in my shoes
Cant you see that it's impossible to choose
No there's no making sense of it
Every way I go Im bound to lose

Too much love will kill you
Just as sure as none at all
Itll drain the power that's in you
Make you plead and scream and crawl
And the pain will make you crazy
Youre the victim of your crime
Too much love will kill you
Every time

Too much love will kill you
Itll make your life a lie
Yes, too much love will kill you
And you wont understand why
Youd give your life, you'd sell your soul
But here it comes again
Too much love will kill you
In the end...
In the end.

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