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Lower Than Atlantis - Something Better Came Along (Video ufficiale e testo)

Lower Than Atlantis - Something Better Came Along: guarda il video ufficiale e leggi il testo della canzone

Lower Than Atlantis - Something Better Came Along testo

Hold those tears
Just tell me it's over so I can get over you
All my fears
You say that you're sorry but you will be sorry soon

I feel bad but I can tell by the height of your shoulders that you're glad
All along I guess you were just another line in another song

All of those things you said
Did you mean any of them?
I needed that lift that I got from your texts and calls
But something better came along
Now you're dead to me
A distant memory
Will you remember my name when you're grey and old
When something better came along

Those few nervous dates
I was drinking before I met you so I could talk
Nothing more than mates
I was drinking throughout until I could barely walk

I'm a fool
I should've guessed by your attitude that you're too cool
Did you care at all?
I've gotten used to being wrong

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